Trivia Question 1/10 10% Which is the odd one out?*BrontosaurusTyrannosaurusThesaurus According to Queensland law, taxis must always carry what in the boot?*A bale of hayLife jacketsA spare driver The longest golf course in Australia is how long?*1,365 kilometres7.85 kilometres8.54 kilometres If you crossed a white jelly bean with a red one, what would you get?*A muleA camelA pink jelly bean What age was the youngest Australian to play test cricket?*171322 The noise that ET the extra-terrestrial made when walking was created how?*Cows walking in mudWith octopus suckersSquishing hands in jelly Which part of your body can’t you lick?*Your elbowYour toesYour knee Which part of your body did you just try to lick?*Your toesYour kneeYour elbow When they ripen, what colour do green jelly beans turn?*RedGreenYellow Who had a number 1 hit with the song The Carnival Is Over?*The SeekersThe Hopelessly LostThe Aimless Wanderers