Magic Memories

“We used to go to Port Macquarie for our holidays. It was before iPads and mobile phones. We entertained ourselves by playing I Spy. You know, I spy with my little eye something beginning with J.
The prize for guessing right was always a jellybean. When I knew the bag of jellybeans was getting low, I used to make the clues really difficult so my brother and sister couldn’t guess. I thought I was being really sneaky, but years later I learnt that they were doing the same to me! Ha! Sometimes that last jellybean would last half an hour!”

“If anyone in our family got sick, we’d go to see Doctor Coombes and then we’d go to Fairbairns, the local pharmacy.
We used to think Mr. Fairbairn was ancient because he had white hair, but even our parents seemed ancient to us!
We used to love going because old Mr. Fairbairn kept a big green jar of jellybeans under the counter. He always did the same thing each time. He’d open the jar, but before we could have a jellybean, he’d ask mum or dad if we’d been good kids. If they said yes, we got a jellybean. I don’t think they ever said no.”

Our GP has a jar of jelly beans so that when my toddler has had a check up and been a brave boy… looking in his ears, checking the throat and listening to his chest he’s allowed to pick out whichever colour Glucojel jelly- bean he likes. His favourite colour is blue. Thanks for making doctor visits easier!

In primary school I had a teacher who would motivate us with jelly beans. Come first in a test, you get a jelly bean. Help clean up the classroom, get a jelly bean. There were a few of us that needed reading glasses and she started giving us a jelly bean for each day that we brought them in and wore them. Those jelly beans probably helped correct my eyesight because I didn’t need the glasses for long after that year.

When I was little my favourite part about going to the local chemist was looking at the packets of Glucojel Jelly Beans and trying to imagine what they tasted like. I desperately wanted to try some, but money was tight so I never asked for mum to buy me a packet. On my 6th birthday I tripped over and split my chin open, needing 5 stitches. Was a pretty rotten thing to happen on my birthday. After getting some stitches and feeling very sorry for myself, mum and I stopped off at the chemist. The kind lady at the register found out it was my birthday from mum and that the day wasn’t working out too well. That is when she reached under the register and pulled out a jar FILLED with Glucojel jelly beans and told me to have as many as I wanted. That kind lady and her jar of jelly beans saved my birthday.

My youngest didn’t like his maths homework when he went into grade 4 as he didn’t think he could do it because it was harder than grade 3. I showed him how to do the big multiplications then I promised him a jellybean for every question he got correct. He ended up with nearly a full bag 😂 he was so proud of himself

My 10yr old granddaughter has autism and has sensory issues with her food .So to get her to eat vegetables and even fruit we give her on Glucojel jelly bean for every vegetable or piece of fruit she eats .So we are winning the fight now we found this has helped her so much she thinks it’s a game and now doesn’t refuse her vegies or fruit as she smiles because she knows she gets a Glucojel jelly bean.